Welcome To The Soccer Tavern

Welcome to The Soccer Tavern, where we make videos about the history, culture, and philosophy of the beautiful game.

My name is Dave and I’m the creator & host of The Soccer Tavern. I’m a lifelong soccer fan, who has a genuine curiosity about the game’s long and complex history. I like learning about that and making videos to share with other.

I hope you enjoy the blog and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you are notified when we have new videos.

Lastly, if you like what I’m doing here, please consider supporting The Soccer Tavern by buying us a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/thesoccertavern.

Thanks for stopping by The Soccer Tavern. Hope to see you again soon. Cheers!

Published by The Soccer Tavern

YouTube channel making videos about the history, culture, and philosophy of the beautiful game.

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